Curriculum and Instruction » Curriculum & Instruction

Curriculum & Instruction

West Orange - Cove CISD provides instruction in all subjects required by the State of Texas with special emphasis on the teaching of reading, writing, and mathematics. Special programs available include Special Education, Head Start, Career and Technology Education, Fine Arts, Gifted and Talented, Remedial, Advanced Placement, and Dual Enrollment courses. 
We encourage you to be our partner! 
Family Access allows parents to view information specific to their child through the WOCCISD Skyward Parent Portal which is available through most computers with Internet access. Family Access includes gradebook, attendance, food service, and health information, as well as other data. The powerpoint presentation used for parent information sessions regarding Family Access is available on this web site in two different formats:  the original powerpoint presentation and as a .pdf document.
If you are already signed up, feel free to use this Family Access Quick Link.
STAAR and End of Course Testing Information & Resources
Students in grades 3 - 8 are administered the STAAR test in accordance with the Texas Education Agency's state testing schedule. High School students take End of Course Exams. 
The TEA website contains samples (Spanish included) of STAAR Release Test Questions in all subject areas for students in Grades 3 - 8. End of Course sample questions are also included. We encourage you to utilize this resource. 
Additional STAAR Resources are also available by Subject area:
All accountability ratings assigned to the West Orange - Cove CISD and to our campuses are viewable on our Performance Reports web page. TEA School Report Cards are also viewable on the same page. 
Click on the following link to access information about your child's STAAR score,
Academy of Engineering
West Orange - Stark High School has earned designation as an Academy of Engineering through the National Academy FoundationThe goals of the Academies of Engineering are to:
  • Recruit and encourage more high school students to choose careers in engineering and engineering technology.
  • Increase the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in the study of engineering.
  • Prepare high school graduates to enter postsecondary engineering and engineering technology programs fully competent in required mathematics, science, and technical subjects.
High School Graduation Endorsements
West Orange - Stark High School offers five different Graduation Endorsements:  
  • Arts & Humanities
  • Business & Industry
  • Public Services
  • Multidisciplinary Studies
  • S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
A PDF file regarding these endorsements is available for download on this page.
Human Sexuality Curriculum
West Orange Stark High School educates students in Human Sexuality using multiple resources. The primary resource used to educate students in Human Sexuality is the Health Education course text book Essential Health Skills by G-W Publishing. This text book provides comprehensive units in the following content: common STIs, ways to prevent and treat STIs, HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, the male and female reproductive systems, conception, pregnancy, & birth, and teen pregnancy and parenthood. Additionally WO-S high school uses the p.a.p.a (Parenting and Paternity Awareness) program as a supplemental resource to teach students the importance of parental involvement, value of paternity establishment, legal realities of child support, financial and emotional challenges of single parents, benefits of both parents being involved in a child's life, healthy relationship skills, and relationship violence prevention.
More High School Information
The West Orange - Stark High School Guidance Office Web Page includes graduation requirements, scholarship information, ACT and SAT information, and information pertinent to calculating GPA, as well as additional resources (Apply for College Now!).