Federal Programs » Parent Involvement

Parent Involvement

Parents are a very important partner in the education of their child. All parents are encouraged to be active in West Orange - Cove CISD Parent Involvement Activities. Please contact your child's campus for a list of parental involvement activities and opportunities.
Parental Involvement
 Learning.com can be accessed at the following link:  https://support.learning.com/parent-resources/
Parent Involvement Newsletters can be viewed on the ESC 16 Statewide Parent Involvement Initiative School Support Website
Newsletters are available in English & Spanish. 

Parent Newsletters

Other Parent resources can be accessed through the following link: 

Parent Resources


 Resources for parents of WOSMS and WOSHS students:   http://www.thelearningcommunity.us/tweens-and-teens/parent-school-involvement.aspx



WOCCISD's Family Engagement Plan can be accessed at the link below: