Gifted and Talented

West Orange-Cove CISD is committed to the educational excellence and success of every student.  West Orange-Cove CISD will provide services focusing on the unique needs of Gifted and Talented students (G/T students) that are both flexible and challenging in order to maximize student potential to its fullest.  Gifted and Talented Services provide extension and enrichment of experiences for the student and differentiates curriculum by centering on research skills, higher order problem solving and advanced content.  We believe the school personnel, the parents and the community should be continuously educated in this area with evaluation being an integral component.  The desire is for our G/T students to master the ability to think creatively, be self-directed, and use their ability to be innovative in a technological society.  

Public Notice

West Orange - Cove CISD is now accepting referrals for students who may need Gifted and Talented Services for the school year. These services are designed for students who exhibit intellectual and creative thinking abilities at an extraordinary level not normally served in the regular classroom. Services are provided only upon identification of educational needs of the student. Anyone wishing to refer a student attending West Orange - Cove CISD in kindergarten through twelfth grade this school year is asked to go by the students campus office and request a Nomination Form.


Those unable to go by the school should call the campus office to request a Nomination Form or print a copy from the bottom of this page.


West Orange - Stark Elementary (409) 882-5630
West Orange - Stark Middle School (409) 882-5520
West Orange - Stark High School
(409) 882-5570



Noticia Pública


West Orange – Cove CISD está aceptando, en este año escolar, referencias de estudiantes que necesiten Servicios para Dotados y Talentosos. Estos servicios, que normalmente no se ofrecen en una clase regular, están diseñados para estudiantes que demuestren, a un nivel extraordinario, habilidades de pensamientos intelectuales y creativos. Los servicios son proveídos solamente cuando se identifican las necesidades educacionales del estudiante. Cualquier persona que desee referir a un estudiante que asiste a West Orange – Cove CISD, en este año escolar, desde kínder hasta el grado duodécimo, se le pide que vaya a la oficina de la escuela del estudiante y solicite un Formulario de Nominación.


Las personas que no puedan ir a la escuela deben llamar a la oficina para pedir un Formulario de Nominación o imprimir una copia del formulario adjunto en la parte inferior de  esta página.


West Orange – Stark Elementary (Escuela Primaria)                                             (409) 882-5630

West Orange – Stark Middle School (Escuela Intermedia)                                     (409) 882-5520

West Orange – Stark High School (Escuela Secundaria)                                       (409) 882-5570