Student of the Month » 2022-2023 Student of the Month

2022-2023 Student of the Month

Neveah Green
The March Student of the Month is Neveah Bell. 
Since starting Mustang Academy, she has set an excellent example for her peers. She works hard to get closer to her goal of graduating, and her devotion is unmatched. She even helps her classmates and stays on target to complete her courses.  I have no doubt she will get through any obstacle in life.
Tristan Odom
March Student is the Month is Tristan Odom. 
April Student of the Month is Kaiden Dunmore.
Bryan Gant
The May Student of the Month is Bryan Gant.
Bryan follows the Social Contract created by the class and is a great example and role model for his classmates. He comes to school with a smile on his face every day and loves learning. 
Legacy Roberts
The Second May Student of the Month is Legacy Roberts
He is always happy and ready to lend a helping hand!
May Student of the Month Student is Darren Anderson.
Darren is a senior in multiple organizations. He is a part of EMBODIED which is led by the Delta sorority. Darren was MVP in basketball, participates in dual credit courses, and is a role model for all students.