Bus Stops
The information available through this website provides general information for the convenience of West Orange-Cove CISD parents. Final student placement is determined by the campus registrar.
Bus stops are placed at centralized locations that can be safely accessed by a significant number of students. Additionally, bus stops are designated to minimize the time length and mileage of the run.
It is the Parent's/Guardian’s responsibility to accompany and supervise their child(ren) to and from the bus stop and while at the bus stop or arrange a neighborhood buddy to walk with your child.
Students need to be ready at least ten (10) minutes before the estimated time of the bus stop. Afternoon routes may vary as much as 20-30 minutes depending on departure time from the Campuses, increased traffic, adverse weather, etc.
Parents/Guardians with children under 8 years old must meet the bus at the stop and come to the bus-loading door to receive their child. Parents or guardians are asked not to wait in a vehicle or in a doorway due to the delay that it causes to the bus route.
A State-licensed child-care facility as defined by Sec. 42.002, Texas Human Resources Code or a grandparent’s home may be used as a student’s transportation address. The address of the licensed child-care facility or grandparent’s home must be within the bus zone for the student’s campus of attendance. Students may only ride to and from a single address whether it is their home, grandparent’s home, or a child-care facility.
Parameters of Service
Transportation is provided for students to and from the bus stop designated to service the student's residence of record. Students are expected to ride their assigned bus and load/unload only at their assigned stop.
The District does not provide transportation services to alternate locations including:
* other residences such as a friend's house, babysitter or relative
* businesses including parent's business or place of employment
Parents should make alternate arrangements for students traveling to or from alternate locations.
For bus route questions or information on special program and Head Start routes, please contact:
Transportation Department – (409) 882-5422 or (409) 882-5423