Smart Snacks
Smart Snacks
What Are “Competitive Foods”?
“Competitive Foods” refers to all food and beverages SOLD to students on school campus during the school day, other than meals reimbursable under government programs. Effective July 1, 2014, The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a memorandum to inform State agencies and School Food Authorities (SFAs) that USDA no longer provide waivers once these rules went into effect.
Snack Smart, Snack Healthy
Snack Smart, Snack Healthy
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act required the USDA to establish nutrition standards on all foods and beverages sold to students outside of the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program meals on the school campus during the school day. USDA’s interim final rule “Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School,” was effective July 1, 2014. These science-based nutrition standards promote a healthy school environment and apply to all foods sold, such as:
- A La Carte Cafeteria Sales
- School Stores
- Snack Bars
- Vending Machines
- Fundraisers
More on Fundraisers in Texas Schools
More on Fundraisers in Texas Schools
TDA analyzed the potential impacts of USDA’s Competitive Rule requirements in light of Texas Laws and the Texas Public School Nutrition Policy. Schools may have unlimited fundraisers as long as the fundraisers adhere to the federal Competitive Rule (i.e. Smart Snacks) requirements. Food items that do not meet the Competitive Rule requirements must be sold outside of the school day. The following are additional examples of allowable fundraisers that may occur during the school day:
- Any Non-Food Items
- Any food items not meant for consumption on the school camps during the school day (e.g. cookie dough to be prepared at home).
- Any food item sold after the end of the school day (e.g. 30 minutes after the end of instruction on campus). Food items sold in concession stands after the end of the school day (e.g. 30 minutes after the end of instruction on campus). Any food items that meet the federal Competitive Rule requirements.
These rules DO NOT apply to food given to students for free or brought by the student for their own consumption.
Enter your text here...MEAL PRICES
Meal Prices
West Orange CCISD participates in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. Both of these are federally assisted meal programs which provide nutritionally balanced low-cost or free lunches to approximately 31 million children each day.
Meal Pricing for Adults
Since the expressed purpose of federal assistance is to safeguard the health and well-being of the nation’s students, meals served to adults are not eligible for federal cash reimbursement— therefore, the reimbursements CEs receive for serving students must not be used to pay for adult meals.
West Orange CCISD Setting Meal Prices
The district must establish the prices for meals and meal service options. Aramark cannot set policy to establish the price for meals. The district must set the price of meals for students and adults. A food service management company (FSMC) cannot set the price of meals for the district.
Pricing for A La Carte Items
A la carte pricing should be structured so that the charged price meets the following requirements:
Each year, School Food Authorities (such as Nutrition Services at West Orange CCISD) must review their paid lunch revenue to ensure compliance with the paid lunch equity requirements of the United States Department of Agriculture. School districts are reimbursed for meals served to school children, but not for meals served to adults, including teachers. In fact, federal guidelines state that adult meals must be priced so that it is sufficient to cover the cost to produce the meal. Those expenses include food, wages and benefits, supplies and equipment.
The United States Department of Agriculture and the Texas Department of Agriculture conduct periodic audits of all school districts utilizing the programs to ensure that all standards are being met and the district can continue utilizing the funds to feed children healthy meals.
- A Guide to Smart Snacks in Schools
- Fundraisers and Smart Snacks: Foods Not Intended for Consumption at School
- Healthy Fundraising (USDA Healthy Meals Resource System)
- Nutrition Voyage: The Quest to Be Our Best - Backpack Full of Snacks
- Smart Snacks Calculator (Alliance for a Healthier Generation)
- Smart Snacks in School - Fundraisers
- Snacks that Count: Recipes for Nutritious Snacks, Updated Meal Pattern
- Final Rule: Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School as Required by the HHFKA of 2010
- Interim Final Rule: Nutrition StandarEnter your text here...ds for All Foods Sold in Schools as Required by the HHFKA of 2010
- Questions and Answers Related to the "Smart Snacks" Interim Final Rule (SP 23-2014, v3)
- Proposed Rule: Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in Schools as Required by the HHFKA of 2010
- Infographic
- Flexibility for Entrees
- Beverage Options
- Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School Summary Chart
- Grain Entrees Related to Smart Snacks in Schools Standards
- Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards and Exempt Fundraisers
- Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards and Culinary Education Programs
- Smart Snacks Standards for Exempt Foods when Paired Together