Health Services
The school nurse and health program are school-related health services; they are not intended to take the place of health care provided by the home and professional or public health services.
School health services include the following:
- A school nurse who checks symptoms of illness, administers first aid, makes routine health inspections, keeps records of students with special health problems, updates student immunization records, dispenses medication according to guidelines established by District policy, and is available for conferences with students and parents.
- Vision, hearing and spinal screenings as recommended by the state.
- Maintenance of updated emergency care forms so that parents can be notified quickly in case of an emergency.
Emergency Forms
It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to provide reliable and working phone numbers to the school nurse that can be contacted in case of an emergency or illness. Please assist us by updating this information any time there are any changes.
Emergency Medical Treatment
If a student should have a medical emergency at school or a school-related activity when the parent cannot be reached, the school will need to have written parental consent to obtain emergency care. Parents should keep emergency care information up-to-date (name of doctor, emergency phone numbers, and allergies to medications, etc.). Having current information will be of critical importance should an accident or injury occur that requires medical attention. Please contact the school nurse to update any information.
The District is not responsible for medical expenses associated with a student’s injury. The District does make available, however, an optional, low-cost student accident insurance programs to assist parents in meeting medical expenses. A parent who desires coverage for his or her child will be responsible for paying insurance premiums and for submitting claims through the insurance carrier.
All medications must be in the original container along with a note of instruction. The nurse will not administer medications if they are not properly identified.
The label of prescribed medications must state:
a) the name of the student
b) the name of the medication
c) the amount to be taken
d) the time to be taken.
All medications, including over the counter or those prescribed by a doctor or dentist, must be brought to the nurse’s office in the original container, by parent/guardian, stating the number of pills or capsules in the container. Nurses will count pills in parent’s/guardian’s presence to verify number of pills.
All medications to be given for 5 days or greater must be accompanied by a doctor’s release.
It is recommended that medications not be sent to school if they are ordered to be given:
- Daily
- Two times a day
- Three times a day
- Every 8 hours
- Every 12 hours
These medications may be given at home, before school, after school and at bedtime. The exceptions would be medications that are prescribed to enhance the student’s ability to function in the school environment effectively. For example, medications used for learning disabilities, behavior modifications, seizures and psychiatric problems.
Head Lice
Parents/guardians are being asked to do routine hair and scalp checks on their children. Orange County has experienced severe lice outbreaks for several years, making it necessary to ask for assistance from parents.
If your child has been sent home from school after finding either lice or nits, you must accompany your child to the nurse’s office and have the student rechecked before they will be allowed to enter the classroom or participate in any school function.
West Orange-Cove CISD has a no nit policy. This means that a student who has been treated for lice must also be free of nits/eggs. Students will be sent home if nits are found.
You may call your school for information about checking your child or treating an infestation.
Students who have been absent from school due to illness and fever (temperature greater or equal to 100.4) must be free of fever (temperature less than 100.4) for at least twenty-four hours, with out being medicated, before being readmitted to class.