Remote Learning Update

November 6, 2020

Remote Learning Update

In an effort to ensure the best possible instruction for students, the WOCCISD Board of Trustees, in a previous meeting, updated requirements for continuing virtual instruction. As stated in the update, students who are failing classes or who have five or more absences will no longer be able to participate in virtual instruction.  Moving forward, please note that grades and attendance will be a prerequisite for maintaining virtual status. However, the district will continue to offer virtual learning opportunities to students with documented, underlying health conditions, for those who are COVID positive, or where close contact is identified by the health department. Passing grades and high attendance must be maintained and will be re-evaluated at each marking period. Likewise, students desiring to move from in-person to virtual learning must be approved by the campus administration and demonstrate they can meet the grading and attendance criteria. 

Please note that for any virtual student who does not meet the requirements to remain in virtual learning, the district will provide notification to the parent(s) of the student’s removal at least two weeks prior to the removal. Additionally, the district will provide the parent the opportunity to appeal the removal from virtual learning by contacting the campus’ administration in writing no later than three days from receiving notification of the impending removal. If a parent appeals the decision, an appeal conference will be held for the parent to present their case.